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58 entries in all:  1  7  13  19  25  31  37  43  49  55 

TitleArtistMaterialMediumSizePriceDescriptionArtist WebsiteImage
Imprisoned LibertyC.A.LewisPaperGraphite18x24100.00Out of C.A.Lewis's Smoker SeriesC.A.LewisEnlarge Image
In Need of a Stick of DeathC.A.LewisPaperGraphite18x24100.00Out of C.A.Lewis's Smoker SeriesC.A.LewisEnlarge Image
Jack NicholsonM.ReynoldsPaperPencil 9 X 12 100.00  

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KatherineNick StullCanvasAcrylic24x361100.00 

Nick Stull

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Katherine in the VoidNick StullCanvasOil30x401500.00 

Nick Stull

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Last RedemptionJ.WrightCanvasAcrylic30x404480.00Signed by Jerome BettisJames WrightEnlarge Image

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